Monday, 28 May 2012


Expectation among analysts is that the Xbox 720 will arrive next year, although it could be that the PS4 will not see a release date until at least a year after the next Microsoft games console, which has also been supported by certain developers. When these next generation machines enter the market the specs and hardware will be miles better than the current aging PS3 and Xbox 360, but the potential for the current systems is still being shown by strong sales.
Are the gamers ready for an Xbox 720 or PS4 in 2013? It’s fair to say both the 360 and PS3 are still selling well, although every gamer has a different opinion on when they will be ready for “next-generation” gaming, even though the launches will come when Sony and Microsoft decide it’s right to do so.

Readiness for Xbox 720 and PS4
Over the past few weeks we’ve seen varied reasons why each gamer doesn’t want another games console like the Xbox 720 in 2013. This could be available money, the fact they just bought an Xbox 360 or PS3, or the potential they see with firmware updates rather than new hardware. The number of people that want to see this generation last longer and more types of games release is also growing, although this opinion is the opposite of just as many gamers that ask for new hardware as soon as possible.
On the other hand plenty of gamers are crying out for the new systems, and some of these people have owned the PS3, 360, or both since they first released many years ago and some have a very cheap PC that delivers much more for gaming. These people hope that the Xbox 720 release rumors for next year are true, if they are not staying with PC gaming that is, or if they want a PS4 they hope Sony don’t release a year later than Microsoft as they did this generation. Some gamers we heard from are hoping to see the Xbox 720, aka Next Xbox, before Christmas this year although we’d point out they must be dreaming.
Do you think the majority of Xbox 360 owners are ready for the Xbox 720 within the next year and half? In my opinion you’ll see the Next Xbox revealed at E3 2013, and then a launch date set for 2014 with Sony bringing the PS4 around the same time or at the latest in 2015, although we hope the PS4 launches at the same time as Xbox this time around. It will also be interesting to see if the success or failure of a Wii U’s tablet-type controller affects the design plans for Sony and Microsoft systems.

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